Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Two Months Old!!

Hard to believe our little Arlan is already two months old!! He is such a smiler and a talker (see previous post for pics). He really communicates more than I remember Landon doing at this age (I try hard not to compare the two, but I just can't help it!), but he's less physical (no jumping yet!). But Arlan can hold his head up pretty well now, and likes to look around. He's awake for longer stretches, so he's getting more playing in. He's liking the play mat regularly (often he fusses until put down on there, then he's happy). He's so-so for the swing, likes his bouncy chair, and thankfully likes the stroller / car seat as he's spent plenty of time in there these past few days.
He's nursing like a good little gobbler -- usually waking only once overnight. He goes to sleep between 8:30 and 9:30 most nights (sometimes a bit earlier, sometimes a bit later), and loves to have a bath before bedtime (again, so different from Landon!). He wakes between 2 and 4 for his mid-night snack, and sleeps until about 8, give or take half an hour. So I'm getting pretty good amounts of sleep which is a blessing. Thankfully Landon is such a good sleeper - once he's out for the night we seldom hear from him until morning, so I don't have to worry about him at all - again usually (don't want to jinx that!!).
Weight-wise, Arlan is 12 pounds, 8 ounces ... 4 pounds over birth weight! So he's right on time and growing like a pro. Must be all that nursing going on all day. He's a bit more regular for nursing, but not yet routine. He's good when we go out though - usually nursing very well while we're in various places. It's when we're at home that he nibbles more, but I think that's because I'm maybe nursing when I should be trying to put him to sleep (whereas when we're out, the stroller puts him to sleep). Ah well....As long as he's happy!
So that's the 2-month stats for little baby Arlan. He is pretty adorable, and we are enjoying our time with him as he starts to communicate more :-) I just can't believe that he's two months already!!!! aiaiaiaiai They do grow too quickly :-/

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