Friday, December 14, 2007

Here Comes Santa Claus...

If Santa is coming, Landon's likely running to my arms. Poor stinker - he did NOT want to sit on Santa's knee today!! He played very shy as we walked up to Santa (head on my shoulder, holding me very tightly), and when I went to put him on Santa's knee ... well, we were having NONE of that! Luckily though, he was okay when I sat in the very big chair beside Santa, and then I could put him on Santa's knee and he was alright. So you can see a bit of my pants and shirt in the picture, but only if I point it out to you, and we have a picture with Santa! Landon's expression is very similar to last year ... that is, serious. LOL Silly kid - I don't know if we'll ever have smiley-Santa pictures!! heh heh

Last night I went to see Bon Jovi with some friends - it was a blast! I'm not nearly as familiar with some of his new stuff, but I sure loved the old stuff! It was nice to get out for an evening with some friends too, esp since John's out tonight and tomorrow with the band.

And if I could just find something for Great Grandpa I would be done shopping!! Today we went to Toys R Us (GONG SHOW!!!!!!!!) to pick up a gift from Grandma to Landon. Landon was insane in there, because all he wanted to do was play with Thomas toys and of course he couldn't and he went bonkers (like most other kids in there). The line-ups at the till were 10 deep, it was insane! But we got out of there relatively intact, to head to the mall for above-mentioned Santa picture and to try to find a gift for Great Grandpa. Well we got the picture, had some lunch and skedaddled without shopping for Great Grandpa because by then we were far beyond nap-time. That's my last trip to the malls before Xmas -- I'll have to find something for Great Grandpa closer to home....

So that's the scoop from here today. Hope all is well and that everyone is done (or nearly done) their shopping...Until next time...

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