Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sask Traveling...

Well, we made it back to Saskatchewan with no troubles on Thursday. I can hardly believe how well Landon travels. He was very well behaved all the way home - we only stopped in Med Hat for some beer (for Carla) and that was it all the way to the farm.
Unfortunately, now Landon is sick with a cold. Poor little bugger. I kind of thought something might be coming last week, even before we left, as he was up in the night and stuff. But yesterday he woke up with a stuffy nose and was pretty grumpy all day. The only saving grace is Ryder -- when Ryder's around, Landon seems to feel a bunch better!! He follows Ryder around and laughs at his antics, then they jump on the beds together and giggle and laugh. Landon absolutely LOVES Ryder!! LOL
So he's still sleeping. YUP - it's noon and he's sleeping!! Poor kid - I was going to wake him up, but he needs his sleep for sure. He went to sleep at 11 pm last night too, so obviously he's not feeling well to be sleeping that long. I have been drugging him up - but since I can't get infants' stuff anymore, I'm debating on giving him children's stuff (for 2 years and up) so that I can hoard the infants stuff for the next kid!! aiaiaiaia I hate that it's been taken off the shelf because idiots overdosed their kids because they can't read labels. grrrr


so poor monkey isn't feeling well. We're going back to the farm today, so hopefully he'll be okay out there without his playmate Ryder. *shrug*

We spent yesterday at Great Grandpa's - it's too bad Landon was feeling so poorly for the visit though. He was good, though. he didn't break anything is what I mean! LOL

Don't know if I'll get the chance to post from the farm, so this might be it until we get back to Calgary. Until then....

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