Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Getting ready to travel....

We're heading back to Saskatchewan tomorrow - Landon and I. We were planning to leave on the weekend, but my great-uncle passed away so we will go to his funeral on Friday now in Swifty. I'm looking forward to visiting 'home' as we haven't been for a visit for any length of time for quite awhile (a weekend here, a day there usually).
So won't be posting until we get back. But hopefully I'll have some fun pics then. :-D I'm excited for Landon to check out the animals at Carla's, as he is so excited every time he sees a cow or a horse on tv. LOL And it'll be nice to relax at the farm too.

Hopefully Landon will sleep alright. He's been a silly monkey the past few days -- he'll cry out from his crib when we put him to bed, and when I check on him he wants up. So if I pick him up he clamps on to me like he will never let go - his legs around my waist, his arms around my shoulders. And then he cries when I put him back, which breaks my heart :-( But he still gets to sleep, it just takes a few extra trips in there on my part. So hopefully he'll be okay while we travel.... I think he'll be okay at Carla's as Ryder should tucker him out!! LOL And he has slept well at mom and dad's in the past, so we'll hope that continues....

That's all until Dec 10 or so. That day is my ultrasound too...maybe I'll have some pics of the new baby!! Take care...

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