Saturday, November 17, 2007

Counting and climbing and colouring

Landon sure has been 'exploring his world' ... aiaiaiai. Keeps us very busy. He loves to drag the chairs around the kitchen, so that he can reach EVERYTHING on the cupboards, including clean and dirty dishes, knives, garlic, hot frying pans ..... So he's had a couple of owies (see hot frying pan), and some near misses (see knives), and made some VERY big messes in the process. And we've cleaned off our cupboards (sort of).

One of Landon's very favourite things to do is colour. Every day he is going for his pad of paper and his crayons. He says 'paper' but not crayon yet. I don't think he gets that paper is paper though, I think to him paper is colouring, because he says paper while he's colouring the chairs, or the table, or just running around with the crayon in his hand and a mischievous gleam in his eye. But at least it's a relatively quiet activity, and crayons wash off of everything (including walls, couches, and his clothes, where he loves to put the crayons into his pockets and take them out again, repeatedly).

And somewhere along the line he's picked up counting. Don't know where it came from. John had him at the park last weekend and one of the girls there was counting to 10 then rolling down the hill. Landon was apparently mesmerized, so maybe that's where it came from *shrug* Anyways, now I'll say 'one', he'll say 'two', I'll say 'two', he says 'three', I say 'three' and he laughs and laughs and laughs. Pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Of course John is now working on four and five, I'm just impressed with one, two, three!!

So that's been the news here. It's been awhile since I posted, some comp troubles kept me mostly off-line for a couple of days. But John muttered and swore at the comp so much that it has quit acting up (for now). So maybe some pics coming up shortly as well. Until next time...TK

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