Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Landon's Going to be a Big Brother :-D

That's right - Landon will be a big brother next summer! We are due with #2 on June 24!! So far it hasn't been as gloriously wonderful as pregnancy with Landon was - I've been nauseaus in addition to sooooo exhausted. But that seems to be passing now and my energy level is picking up again, so that's good news to me (and to John who was doing all the cooking and cleaning for a few weeks!!).
We don't plan to find out what we're having ... I figure we had a surprise with Landon, we can have a surprise with this one too. Plus it wouldn't really change anything that we'd do between now and when the baby's born. All my newborn stuff is gender-neutral already, and I'll likely want to buy some new stuff when the baby arrives regardless of gender. So we'll just leave the girl/boy thing to be a surprise :-)
What is different is that I sure got a belly quickly this time! LOL I'm as big now as I was 2 years ago in November when I was pregnant with Landon - except I was due in March then, now I'm not due 'til June! aiaiaiaiaiai So I'm living in sweat pants most days... heh heh

Well, that's it for now, just wanted to let everyone know that Landon is such a big boy, and will be a big brother soon too! Until next time....

1 comment:

niknac said...

CONGRATULATIONS I'm so happy for the Keller family