Friday, November 23, 2007

Lots of Fun!! Landon goes from nice, quiet, downtime to full-blown jumperoo in about 3.6 seconds most days! Ah well, it keeps us on our toes. Here's a picture of him all snuggled into the couch, watching cartoons. Just looking at him makes me want to snuggle up with him - it looks so cozy! It lasted for, well, about as long as it took to take this picture, then he was up and running again!! LOL
Sometimes you get the greatest shot when you least expect it. I love this photo of Landon, I just happened to have the camera so took a picture. He was 'helping' John with some mail here i think it was. I just love this photo for some reason *shrug*
Landon loves to turn all lights on and off. Especially in the living room. I think he likes it because he can climb up onto the couch to do it, and that's lots of fun.
Apparently it's tiring to climb up there and do all that light turning off and on ... he needed a break so just put his head down and watched tv for a few minutes! LOL
And if this isn't a shit-disturber smile, I don't know what is!! Little stinker. you'll see in his hand one of his treasured train pieces ("toot toot"). He has a few of them, and usually one is pretty close at hand at all times. Like when we're in the tub - where we learned that the wooden train pieces don't like water. We're down one train piece....

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