Thursday, November 08, 2007

looking forward to the weekend

Well, we had a busy week. On Tuesday we headed down to Medicine Hat to visit with Jenay who was in the country for a few days due to the passing of her Grandma :-( Landon quite enjoyed the road trip though, he loves to have a new audience to perform for!! LOL And perform he did. I was very impressed though - he did not break a thing in a non-childproofed house! I was sure we'd be buying some replacement somethingorother, but he managed to contain himself just enough !! LOL

We spent the night at Julie's ... it was great to get a chance to visit with her as well.

Landon did so very well during the car trip too. On the way down he slept for a bit, but spent a good hour prior to falling asleep just staring - looking like he was going to fall asleep! And on the way back he mustn't have made a peep for at least an hour on the road! The picture is from on the way back - he was putting his babybanz sunglasses on his head! LOL He didn't nap on the trip at all, and so by the time we hit Calgary he was a bit squirelly (yes, I had stopped for a play-break on the way ... but he just was squirelly). Luckily the bag of toys kept him fairly occupied -- he took everything out and threw them all over the car. The babybanz were a hit though - he kept putting them on his head. I don't know if he was actually trying to put them on, or if he was just reacting to my laughing at him *shrug*

Oh yeah, and guess who decided he didn't need a nap today :-/ little turkey - I sure hope he doesn't continue this pattern! He was pretty grumpy all evening without that nap!! He may have snoozed for a few minutes when I first put him down, but he wasn't very quiet in his room for very long so I'm not so sure. Little stinker!!!!!!

Anyways, I'm off to Banff for mommy's weekend retreat tomorrow - back Sunday. Very much looking forward to it! And I'm sure dad and Landon will have a blast all weekend too.

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