Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hallowe'en is FUN

Well, Landon may not have cared much for the carving of the pumpkin, but he sure enjoyed the rest of Hallowe'en!!
This morning we went to a Hallowe'en party at a friends house. We didn't dress up for the party, but Landon sure had fun playing with all the other kids. And I had a good time getting to visit with some other moms!
But the best part definitely came tonight. Landon has been loving this costume since he first saw it on ebay, and he loved wearing it tonight too!! When I first put it on him and plunked him in front of the mirror, he tried to kiss himself! LOL
Then I took him out trick-or-treating. I thought we'd be gone 10 or 15 minutes. NO WAY! We were out for an hour, came home - he pitched a fit when he realized the house we were at was our house - so we dumped the candy bag and went out for another half an hour!! yup - 1.5 hours of trick-or-treating!! He didn't say trick-or-treat, but he would 'roar' for everyone, and show them how Tigger jumps. Then he'd wave and say bye-bye as he was descending the steps on the hunt for the next house! He had an absolute blast! And he was so good - he held my hand the whole time (he usually won't hold it for 10 seconds), and did all the walking and step-climbing himself. Such a big boy. And such a tired boy! He was certainly tuckered out after the fun, as was I. But it was a great night - we all really enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I talked to Carla last night and said you'd have the pic's up right away!!! Landon is the cutest Tigger I have ever seen and your costume was great to. I can just see him "GRRRRRING" at people to cute. Take care
Lots of love Tanya and Verral