Wednesday, October 03, 2007

S-L-O-W times...

Not much has been happening here. I've been preparing for John's birthday - baked a cake, made nice dinner, etc, and that's kept me occupied (his birthday is today). *shrug* Landon is cute as all get-out of course. He says 'bubble' all the day long - I think he likes bubble baths :-) He is started to say more, and juice; well really he's starting to make sounds that stand for these words - I have trouble recognizing them so I don't think anyone else would. But at least I'm starting to catch on to his garble. He loves juice, and he always wants more of it :-D

Landon is loving trains too - thanks to Thomas! He says 'toot toot' whenever he sees a train, or anything looking remotely like a train. He loves the C-train when we drive by it, that's for sure. And I bought a little train thing last week for him to, which he's loving. Aunty Liz sent a Thomas puzzle which is a big hit too!!

Tonight we had a snowball-shower here. Really. It was like miniature snowballs falling down (or super soft, fluffy hail if you prefer). Landon was mesmerized. So we let him outside for a bit - he was running around the backyard laughing and giggling, watching the snowballs fall. It was adorable! I took some video - will post on the other site hopefully tomorrow (?).

That's really all the news today. Tomorrow we'll be getting ready for our trip to Saskatoon for the weekend! YAY Looking forward to it :-) Might not post before we leave, but I will when we get back. Until next time...

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