Friday, October 12, 2007

My puzzle-solver :-)

Landon has all of a sudden taken to puzzles. Well, maybe not all of a sudden. John's friend Melissa gave him a puzzle in August that he has enjoyed - but he didn't really 'get' it ... it makes noise when you put the pieces in, but you can just push the buttons yourself to get the noise, which is what he would do. But now Aunty Liz sent some puzzles to him, they don't make noise, but one has vehicles (lots of 'gucks' LOL). The other day I was wondering why Landon was so quiet (I was worried actually ... quiet = naughty usuall). He was standing at the couch doing the puzzle. He puts all the right vehicles in the right spots. And when you ask him to point out the different vehicles, he can! I don't know where or when he learned all of this!!! LOL But he loves that thing now ... which is great. It's a nice, quiet, 15 minutes when he gets working on the puzzle :-D I'm so proud that he has it all figured out ... heh heh

We went shopping today - for bras and bathing suits. I thought that was going to be an absolute gong-show. Landon in a store, while I'm naked in between trying on 'things'. *shaking head* Well, he was actually really good. He did finally make an escape from the change room when I was fitting bras, but the ladies at the store thought he was pretty cute (plus I was buying expen$ive bras which I'm sure contributed to their patience!!) so he didn't get into too much trouble. I was shopping at the Cat's Pyjamas, which has cat figurines all over the store. Landon ran from display to display saying 'meow'. lol
Then I went to swimco for a bathing suit. By now Landon's goodness is almost used up, and he's ready for a snoozers. He didn't do too badly, but he kept opening the change room door on me :-/ He was actually the best behaved when I was playing -- jumping up and down on the display raisers by the windows. He didn't knock over any manequins, and he didn't go flying through the windows (gave me heart palpitations, we were on the second story!!), and he didn't even have a meltdown until I picked him up to leave (he was having FUN on those raisers).
So all in all, he was pretty darned good little shoppers' *ahem* helper today :-)

AND, the Thomas toys and DVD's that I bought on ebay arrived today. YAY! We watched a couple of videos before we went shopping (Landon was enthralled ... he had to sit on my knee, with his Thomas story book and one of the train pieces while we watched). And he took Fergus shopping with us too. I will have to get his little table all painted up and then he can play trains on there. I don't know where his Thomas got to - I hope we didn't lose it in Saskatoon...?

Oh yeah, and Landon's hallowe'en outfit arrived Wed (bought on ebay too). It's a Tigger costume. As soon as he saw it he came running up to me, so I gave it to him and he was hugging it and squealing! He's pretty excited about that outfit I guess!! LOL That was pretty much his reaction when he saw it on ebay, which is why I bought it in the first place. Funny kid.

So that's the little tidbits of news. Landon's adorable as usual. Hope all is well with you! Until next time...TK

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