Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkin carving...

Well, Landon had absolutely zero interest in carving a pumpkin. I spread newspaper on the floor, got all settled in, and all he could do was come up to the pumpkin, look at it warily, and say 'BLECH!', then he'd walk away!! LOL So he sat on the floor a little ways away from me reading a story book to himself and I carved the pumpkin!! Too funny.
He sure does love his Tigger costume though. I pulled it out tonight to show some friends from the volleyball team and he was loving it! So tomorrow night should be fun, I hope. I'm only planning to take him to about 5 or 6 houses I think - if he even lasts that long. We'll see.

Yesterday was a fun day. We went to Ricki's for lunch and a visit with Amy who was in town. Landon played so very well with Keaton and Jenna (another girl visiting too). And Ricki's yard is so fabulous - we could put the kids out in the back and they played and played and played. It was a nice chance to actually visit a bit with Ricki and Amy while they played outside. I am SO looking forward to getting this yard fenced!!!

And that's about it - pretty quiet life we're leading here. Landon's adorable - talking and dancing and imitating everything we say and do. It's great! hope all is well...until next time...TK

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