Sunday, October 21, 2007

The weirdest things are the best toys

Landon discovered another new and very fun toy the other day. He got an old necklace of mine from the computer desk (more on how below), and a toilet paper tube. The fun was in putting the necklace through the tp tube. lol And of course he managed to drop the necklace down the furnace register, but I did get it out so that the fun could continue.
How did he get the necklace from the computer desk? Well, he used his very favourite tool -- the stool! He has figured out that by dragging the little white plastic stool around, he can reach many things he couldn't before. Like everything on the computer desk! And everything on the ledge in the bonus room (including many many kleenexes with one fake blow in them!). And by dragging the kitchen chairs to the cupboards he can reach EVERYTHING on the cupboards too. So if you're at my house and you want to sit at my table, you may need to go searching for a chair -- today it's been by the front door, the front stairs, and in the laundry room!!

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