Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hoser - GAH

Remember the whole coo-oo-coo-oo-coo-oo-coo-coo thing? heh heh Well, Landon still loves it, and will try to repeat it whenever we bring it up. Tonight though, he put a twist on it. He was saying coo-oo-coo-GAH! Then he'd laugh laugh laugh and fall down laughing so hard. So I started doing that too, well ... let's just say that that is the funniest darned thing that I've ever done. Made me laugh a lot too watching him.

I think he was giggly because he was tired. After dinner tonight he ran ran ran ... right around the block (for those familiar, out our backdoor, to the main drag, down to Mac's and back again). He did one face plant though - he even left a wet mark on the cement where his poor mouth hit - and scraped up his nose :-( But luckily there were some birds flying over head and they were more interesting to watch and point at and shout about than crying was. PhEW!!

Somewhere along the past few months, Landon has been learning so much I can't believe it. He points out his eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, toes, feet. He's starting to remember where his cheeks are, but is still confused about his bum. He can point to my eyes too - just about gouging them out, but he knows where they are!! LOL

He also knows many of his vehicles - firetruck, dumptruck, cop car, taxi, helicopter, boat. The ambulance tricks him up sometimes, but usually he gets his vehicles right. He loves to point out the vehicles as we're walking or driving somewhere, 'GUCK!' 'GAR' 'AN' (truck, car, van). And he points to motorbikes and bicycles, but doesn't know what to call them so they get called gucks too :-)

Anyways, that's the news from here. John and I are going out for our anniversary on Thursday - a HUGE thank you to Trish for babysitting for us!! I am looking forward to it!!!!! until next time...TK

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