Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Relaxing week before Xmas...

Well our week has been pretty relaxing. Landon and I have been hanging out at home, playing at the park in the afternoons, and just generally vegging out as we make final preps for the holidays. Landon is still enthralled with the tree - but he hasn't managed to knock it over yet. He crawls underneath several times a day though. And the decorations get moved around quite a bit too. But it's all good. He's not so fanatical with having to have the lights on all day, which is nice.

Landon has taught me something that I must be doing a lot these days -- wagging my finger while saying "don't" Heh heh. The other night he was throwing some toys, and I said "don't throw toys". He was sitting on the couch beside me, and before I even finished my admonishment, he was looking at me wagging his finger saying"Don't!" I had to look away I was laughing so hard - and John wasn't much help sitting on the other couch with his face buried in the arm laughing his ass off too! So I've been trying to use more positive statements to avoid bad behaviours ... like "Play nicely with the Christmas tree Landon" versus "Don't swing the broom at the tree Landon!!" or "Toy trucks are for playing on the floor" versus "I said NO! Don't smash your trucks on the living room window!" *sigh*

Landon's starting to figure out colours a little bit too. We've been pointing them out to him on various toys and things (like lego pieces), and every now and again he gets them right (whether it's by chance or skill we're not sure yet). He's confused over how orange can be orange and a thing that you eat ... which I can understand. But it's so cute to hear him say purple...I just love it.

Anyways, it's time for eggs, and Landon's crawling all over me saying "egg" so I'd better go and give him some lunch. Then we're off to check the mail to see if our photo Xmas cards have arrived yet .... ahem. Everyone will be getting their Christmas cards sometime in the New Year I guess ... Ooops!! Until next time...TK

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