Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Tree is the BEST plaything EVER

Landon is having far too much fun playing with and around the tree!! Tonight I was working at the cupboard when I hear behind me "Where go?" I turn around and Landon's hiding under the tree, giggling away like I can't see his feet sticking out!! Then he crawls right through and of course he can't see me from the other side, so again he thinks he's hiding. I might've been a bit slow with the camera, but I did catch him on the trip back under the tree though. Look at that face - he was having WAY too much fun!!

And earlier in the day I couldn't figure out where Landon was ... should've known to look behind the tree. Here are a couple of pics of him - he was happy as can be to play with his trucks back there!

First thing when we go downstairs in the morning, the tree has to be plugged in, the lights on the mantel, and now I have two lit snowmen up that have to be plugged in too. And they are supposed to stay on all day, and it's become part of our nighttime routine to unplug everything when we're going to bed. *shaking head* He just loves the 'pretty light' (and yes, that's what he says, all day long!).

We are thinking he's on a growth spurt again, as he's been eating like a horse for the past few days (and pooping like one too, ahem). Where before we sometimes wondered if he was getting enough, now we are wondering what to feed him next!! LOL But that's a good thing. We have learned that he REALLY likes vanilla pudding - he'll eat 1/2 a cup (after eating a good meal) and ask for "more". He has also polished off a little watermelon too - another newfound fave. heh heh

The other night we counted up the words that Landon knows, and we are up to 100 or more. He says some phrases too, like "where go?" (as in where did the cat go, or where did Landon go), and following that "there 'tis". He has said "all done" for quite awhile now, mostly when he's done eating, but sometimes when he's done playing with something. He is starting to tell us when he's going to "poo poo" so we are thinking more about potty training. But it's pretty amazing to watch him picking up so many new words so often. I can really tell when he's concentrating on learning what I'm saying - he gets a very serious look on his face. I was amazed when we pulled out a small book that we haven't seen for weeks, maybe a couple of months, that has pictures of objects and the sounds they make. Landon knew and could make the sounds for over half of the objects, and now today he does them all (for example, a kettle say wheeeeeee, vacuum cleaner whooooosh, toaster pop!, fire crackle crackle, frying pan sssssizzzzzle, and telephone rrrring rrrring).

Hiding is lots of fun for Landon too. He'll be walking around with his hands over his eyes, then pull them away yelling 'peek-a-boo!'. This evening I came upstairs and wondered where he went as he climbed the stairs just ahead of me. Well, he had crawled up on our bed and put a pillow over himself! So I walked around saying "where did Landon go? Where is Landon?" I would've found him eventually, even if I couldn't have seen his feet, because he was snorting he was giggling to hard!! Too funny - I am loving this playful little creature!!

Anyways, that's the long blog for the everning....will post again in the next few days....until next time...TK

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