Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Getting ready to go...after Landon's first flu

We are almost all packed up and ready to go. John leaves for PEI golfing tonight - his flight's in about 2.5 hours. Landon and I head to Carla's tomorrow, to the farm Friday afternoon. Then I'm to meet John in PEI on Monday and we'll spend a week touring through Nova Scotia. Mostly Cape Breton Island, a day at the Bay of Fundy, and a day or so on PEI. Lots of seafood, lots of fresh salty air. Hopefully some whales. Some wine. And most importantly, some Alexander Keith's :-)

All of my travel has been delayed a day as Landon had his first tummy flu yesterday :-( We went shopping in the morning, and he was sooooo good. But when I pulled into the garage coming home, he cried cried cried. I was wondering why, then he puked all over. Yuck! I got him in the house, cleaned up, sitting in front of cartoons and I got the car seat out to clean it up. Then I picked him up to feed him -- diarrhea poo everywhere. Into the tub. He ate a bit, went down for his nap. Then he woke up at his normal time, cried and puked again, poor guy. Then a few more poops ... another bath. Yuck. Poor kid. He ate lots of supper though, and hasn't looked back. He still has a bit of a fever, but other than that he's good. So hopefully he'll be fine for his week with Grandma and Grandpa.

Anyways, I won't be posting until the week of June 18. See y'all then!! Take care..TK

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