Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm supposed to be packing...

So I thought I'd post a note instead.

And post a picture too. Landon loves to play with the headphones, there's many pictures of that. So we stuck these ones on his head ... too cute. He thought it was funny because we were laughing :-) Little imitator. He loves to be the centre of attention, no doubt about that.

So I'm off to pack for the trip to the farm tomorrow. To Manitoba Friday and won't be back for a couple of weeks. I'm sure hoping Landon sleeps well at the cottage. Last night he woke up at 11 pm for about 30 minutes of talking and googling. I didn't go in to his room at all and he did fall back to sleep. Then at 5:30 am the same thing. *sigh* At the cottage he's in the same room as us, so hopefully he won't know we're sleeping on the bed or he'll just want to play, and we won't get much sleep! John and I are taking ear plugs - the rest of the cottage will have to fend for themselves!! lol

That's it for now. He's still babbling up a storm. Bah is for sure bath - I said to him 'let's go upstairs for a bath' and he ran to the tub and said 'bah' as soon as he got upstairs. He LOVES the bath, that's for sure.

No posts now until mid-July. I hope you won't suffer too badly ... I will try to sneak one in maybe, but no guarantees. Have a good Canada Day weekend!!

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