Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Six new teeth and one helluva cold!

That's our Landon! Leave him with Grandma and Grandpa for a week, and all hell breaks loose!! Well, all teeth break loose anyways.

That's right - SIX teeth popping through at once. Poor, sore little mouth! Two molars, both eye teeth (moving up and down, although one has popped through), and some more bottom teeth. He looks like a different kid from when I dropped him off at the farm! This mouth full of teeth.

And his sore red eyes...He has one helluva cold or infection or something. He is miserable! Thank you to Grandma for such great care when we were down East and you had this sick little munchkin to deal with :-/ He's still miserable now, he's been sick a week. We're going to the doc this afternoon, to rule out severe infection, pink-eye and RSV. There's no fever (he broke that after a couple of days), but lots of coughing, boogers, and sore eyes.

Between the cold and his teeth - we don't have a particularly happy boy these days. Although he was pretty excited to see daddy yesterday. That was about the only time he really smiled and showed some enthusiasm for anything. Other than that he's just grumping and whining and squirming and making everyone's life miserable. Poor guy...

The trip was great though - John and I had a great time. Cape Breton Island is gorgous, the Bay of Fundy (at Hopewell's Rocks) was incredible, the seafood was scrumptious, the scenery (mostly) breathtaking. We hope to go back sometime to see CBI in the fall, maybe when the kid(s) are old enough to come along. I'll post some pics when I get them uploaded.

Until then, I'm going to relax for a few mins until the grump wakes up. Until next time...TK

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