Saturday, June 23, 2007

I've been neglecting news on WORDS!

I've not been letting everyone know about Landon's new words. He's getting more and more as time goes on, and it's kind of fun to hear him say something other than dadadada and momomomom :-)

first official word (beside mom and dada) was up ... pronounced 'bup'. He uses it non-stop now ... heh heh. Sometimes he says up when he's already up, so I'm not sure what he's thinking of then ...?
He also loves anything with four wheels, and they are all called trucks, pronounced 'guck'. He even will say guck at a picture of a truck too.
We're working on getting tractor to be something more like tractor, although he usually sticks with guck for that one too. But every now and again he'll say 'gackter' (after we've prompted him).
He also has some sort of sound that we've been able to equate to birds, same for dogs and cats (usually a high-pitched squeal!). Birds is more like 'buh', dog and cat less clear.
Grandma claims he would say 'go' all the time at the farm, but not so much here. Could be because he's so fussy and whiny all he's saying is 'bup' *shrug* Not as many neat things to go to here versus at the farm either I guess.
I think he's also saying bath, pronounced 'bah' ... it's not 100% clear that he is speaking with intention or if it was fluke, so the jury's still out. But I think it is bath.
And he likes ducks and the word quack. So he says 'guck' for duck, sounding very close truck, but in response to seeing pictures of ducks or to me singing 'six little ducks'. He also responds to quack, with something like 'ack' or 'aghk'. So I guess those count too :-)

So that's Landon's set of words for now. I'll post more as he gets more :-)


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Ducks....Tanzly's nick name to this day is baby duck or DUCK. She also liked ducks when she was young like Landon. In fact today we were at Micheals and there was a bin af ducks and we had to stop and she oooooohed and ahhhhed over them. So I knew Landon and Tanzly were kindred spirits. Just as I had always figured you and were.

niknac said...

HAHAHA. That was one of the funniest posts I have ever read I totally got what you we're saying but it just sounds so funny.
I always think Taylor is so clear but apparently not moms always know what there little ones are saying but I don't think anyone else does.
But its great sounds like he's doing awesome. It weird, I didn't think Taylor was talking much at one point till I started going through her vocabulary.