Saturday, June 23, 2007

When oh When will Landon get better??!!?

This kid is still not feeling 100%. don't get me wrong, he's considerably better than say, a week ago. But he's still pretty fussy and miserable most of the time. Last night he was up most of the night ... crying so hard! Breaks my heart and ticks me off all at the same time :-/ Then he slept in until 11:30, and hasn't had a nap yet despite being in bed for over an hour already. So who knows what tonight will bring ... aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiai
All six teeth have broken the surface though. I'm just wondering if there's a couple more in there working their way out too ? Who knows.... If this runny nose would give in and go away, I think he'd be much easier to live with.

So we're just hanging out at home all weekend, nice and relaxing, starting to get prepared for next weeks travels to MB. Hopefully Landon will have put all this teething and cold business behind him by then....cross your fingers!

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