Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Trip Update :-)

We are back from the lake and have survived, if barely ;-P LOL It was a ton of fun, with lots of family and visiting and swimming. Landon really enjoyed himself, and was a good boy most of the time. He had a bit of a time settling into a sleep pattern, and has managed to fanagle himself to a midnight to 11 am sleeping routine :-/ But we're dealing with that and will worry about 'fixing' it when we get home.

The trip out was good. Landon travelled like a pro. I left the farm last Fri morn (June 29), and drove for 5 hours before stopping (to Brandon) ... I stopped because I had to pee!! Landon had a good run, and we would've made it all the way to Winnipeg had he not smacked himself in the eye while we were going through St Francois Xavier (and I had to pee again anyways).

We stayed with Aunty Margaret for a couple of nights, and relaxed most of Sat. We went to Liz and Chris for some fun times with the Tremendons -- I sure miss those gals.
Then Sunday off to the Lake. It took a few attempts before Landon got used to the water, but by Friday we had him swimming and enjoying himself. Good thing too, as he got sick after that, and has been since then.
I'm at Pam's in Niverville (since Sun) until tomorrow. Hopefully we haven't gotten Frankie and Taya sick as Landon has a throat infection. He even threw up yesterday and today -- poor kid :-( He's on antibiotics now as I took him to the doc this afternoon. Yesterday I thought he got sick because he choked on a cookie so I wasn't so worried. But today he got sick while visiting Karen and Ken and Nathan (I sooo hope Nathan doesn't get sick now too!) so we were off to the doc. He started playing right after being sick, so he wasn't too traumatized, and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quickly and we can salvage the last days of our visit.

It's been fun though. I have plenty of pics which I'll post when we get home. Should be home no later than Tues as I play v'ball Tues night. I'll post more info with the pics when I get them up.

Hope all is well with everyone!! Take care...TK

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