Friday, July 20, 2007

Finally - it's cooling down (a bit)

Now that we've managed to borrow a window air-conditioner from some neighbours, it's starting to cool down. Isn't that how it is. We started out putting a fan in Landon's window to at least suck some hot air out of his room at night. But the other night the fan itself almost got sucked out when a storm blew through!! So luckily our neighbours were kind enough to lend us their a/c, as they weren't using it (they have just moved to the basement through this heat-stroke weather). Now we can turn the a/c on for about an hour before Landon goes to bed, and then we turn it off and the house has cooled off before it has a chance to warm Landon's room up (did that make sense to you? It did to me, so I'm just checking).
The whole reason -- the rest of the house cools down fairly well, but Landon's room just doesn't. Frustrating, and hot for the little stinker.

We are almost back to normalcy again. I am still not 100% over this cold thingy, but I'm getting better. Much better compared to Wed actually :-) And Landon is getting back to 12 hour nights, with a 1.5 - 2 hour nap. Now we just need to move the 12 hours up to 9 - 9 and we'll be great (it's currently about 10 - 10).

And Grandpa will be happy to know that Landon did indeed get another tooth. His first top left molar has poked through. Now he had 15 teeth!!

Landon was pretty cute tonight - we turned the sprinkler on and he ran under there for about 20 minutes, getting himself thoroughly soaked and giggling the entire time. It was cute as could be, but I didn't get any video of it (the camera was upstairs and I couldn't leave him outside alone, as we still don't have a fenced off yard).

So that's the update for this Friday night. I'm off to bed now. It's pretty windy (glad we have the a/c in the window, not that fan!! lol), so maybe we'll get a nice rainy storm to move through (a nice one, no hail, no damage, etc). G'nite! TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

our holiday pictures are great. You are such a fun mom to Landon. Jon must ger rid of his farmers
Now girl you live in western Canada you must have central is so worth it.

take care and i love all the photos
as always marla