Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Still a climbing stinker bug!

Landon is still climbing on everything and playing as hard as ever. His play is changing - he definitely wants me to play with him more and more. In fact, I cannot leave his sight these days. Not even to pee!! He follows me absolutely everywhere. Which can be frustrating, but we're dealing with it I guess.

Yesterday we played outside quite a bit in the evening which was fun. He just runs runs runs in the open space behind us. Too cute. He wants to go everywhere, and never wants to hold my hand or be picked up. That can be pretty frustrating - if he'd just hold my hand I'd let him do pretty much whatever, but he gets soo mad. grrr. Then of course he fell over and scraped his forehead, so I was able to carry him home. But he pitched a fit when I put him on the deck (he wanted to run to the street of course!). *sigh* All moms are laughing at this post I know...

Landon has discovered he actually likes cherries, but only when he can bite them whole, giving us panics about choking on seeds and ensuring cherry juice all over his and our clothes! Of course. Luckily the cherry season is coming to a close, so he'll be stuck making strawberry juice messes.

Tomorrow we're going to visit Stephanie (Weinbender) in the morning, so that will be nice. I'm looking forward to Ricki getting back to the city so that Landon and Keaton can play again too. Now that Landon's a bit bigger, perhaps they'll have more fun playing together.

And starting to get excited for the cabin at Eston! Woo Hoo. It's turned into almost a full week ... Wed night to Tues morning. YAY

That's the news from here, just a quick post, and sorry no pics. until next time...TK

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