Thursday, August 02, 2007

Back on the computer...

Had a computer 'glitch' for the past couple of days - sorry if you've tried to reach me and I haven't been able to respond. It's fixed now, thanks to ~3 hours on the phone with Dell Tech Support today.

Things are going well here. Warmer again, but not as hot as it was so we're managing to stay cool enough. Landon is climbing and jumping all over the house, non-stop. Tires me out!! lol He's pretty entertaining though. Today he had a rough day - had to cry about 5 times because he'd hurt himself on various things: slammed his hand in a drawer, hit his head, fell down I don't know how many times. Poor guy - real, big, alligator tears :-( But a snuggle with mom usually fixes it all up again.
It's funny how he has to be around me all the time now ... dad just isn't good enough right now. I'm looking forward to dad being the be all and end all - give me a break. As it is, I don't even get a break when John gets home from work because Landon just follows me around everywhere I go. Stinker!

So that's that. Just a quick note...hope all is well with everyone! Until next time...TK

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