Thursday, August 23, 2007

Learning Learning Learning

A couple of other things that Landon has been learning. John taught him how to drink from a straw at the river. We had tried a couple of times before, but not for a few months. So now Landon can drink juice boxes (and he loves them too -- much better than watered down juice!!).

Also, Landon is starting to feed himself. Last night he fed himself most of his applesauce (with a bit of help from mom and dad). And this morning he fed himself his cereal (Rice Krispies). I am pretty proud of him for that. He certainly seems to be a kid that sits and watches things to learn, then just picks up whatever the skill is he's been observing and performs it very well. He has shown very little interest in feeding himself thus far, and now in basically a day he's gone to feeding himself with very little spillage. But that's fine with me :-)

I think I'm catching a cold :-( I've been feeling miserable, and this afternoon I realized why. Silly! Landon was moaning and crying on and off for about 1.5 hours in the middle of the night as well, so I'm thinking he's not feeling particularly great either. Could be a fun weekend if we're both sick :-/ Hopefully John will avoid it and he can take care of us lol

That's all for now ...

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