Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cabin Fun!!

Landon was lucky enough to get to go on the quad with Carla. His face never really changed from this expression - we think he liked it, he never cried or anything, but he never really laughed either. Funny kid.
Landon learned new things at the cabin too. Like popcorn twists are YUMMY! He ate many many popcorn twists, and even approached the bowl as if it was a trough :-)
He also had fun giving everyone 'five'. He was learning how to open beer cans with Dave as well ... a skill that may come in very handy in a few years...
Landon had so much fun just being able to run and explore. This last picture he's just running on down the road ahead of Aunty Yvonne. He sure enjoyed exploring everything, and amazingly he never landed in any cactus.

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