Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday news...

We had a wonderful visit with Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary this week - although they didn't stay nearly long enough. They arrived Monday afternoon and already left us this morning :-( But we did get a nice visit in while we could. Yesterday we went off to the zoo, which Landon is enjoying more every time he goes. We tried out the new 'leash' for him, it works so-so, but he still doesn't particularly want to go in any direction we want to, so it can be frustrating for him and for me. Aunty Rosemary and I did some shopping yesterday afternoon as well, leaving Uncle Bob and Landon napping. Now John and I REALLY need to get to Saskatoon for a visit ... especially once Julie has her baby as I'll need a baby fix :-)

Landon and I are baching for a few days while John and his friend Matt are canoeing down the Kootenay River. They'll be back Sunday night, so Landon and I have several days to just kick back :-) Tonight we went out for a walk (well, Landon ran and ran and ran). Landon ran all the way to the park, and around the park, and part of the way home. When finally he demanded 'bup', he was sweating! Little stinker!! Of course, it wasn't nearly enough as it took him quite awhile to fall asleep tonight. He's pretty funny, when I finish reading him a story he immediately jumps down to pick out another book, not wanting me to be done reading bedtime stories quite yet. LOL Then he lays in bed babbling and talking forever before he falls asleep - tonight it was ~11:30. Poor kid - he's doomed to night-owlness like his mother (as I glance at the time....(*sigh*)

I signed Landon and I up for some Cardel programs, starting in a couple of weeks. We'll be doing a 'gym and swim' class, and I'm hoping to take him to more of the drop-ins as well. And starting in late October we'll do his next level of swimming lessons. He so much loves to swim!

I was going to sign up for a yoga class, but it was getting to be too many nights away. So today I bought a yoga book - we'll see if I can do some at home. I definitely need to do it when Landon's sleeping. I tried tonight, he was playing with my ponytail whenever my head was down, and as soon as I hit the floor for some moves he was on my back giggling and laughing as I tried to move. Soon enough I was laughing so hard that all yoga 'concentration' was lost. But laughing good too.

Anyways, that's the post for now. Landon continues to crack me up all the time - I just love the faces he makes, and he is such a little stinker! I won't have any new pics for a few days, John took the camera. But I will try to post again later on this week. until next time...TK

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