Friday, August 31, 2007

He'll be talking soon, I'm sure

Landon babbles non-stop these days! I have no idea what he's saying, but he's meaning it! lol

We've had some good days with Johnny-cakes being gone. Last night Trish was over for a visit - it was nice to see her again before she heads back to Wpg today. Well, actually I saw her today too as I drove her to the airport :-/ So two visits - even better!

Landon and I have been sleeping in like sinners these past few days ... aiaiaiai Tomorrow morning we have to start getting up earlier, it's getting a bit ridiculous (and for all of you who know how much I love to sleep in, if even I'm saying it's ridiculous you can only imagine how bad it really is....).

So I'm trying to figure out how to fill our day tomorrow ... not sure what we'll do. Tonight - I don't really know either. Without John it's just sort of, well, I don't know what to do with I'll be glad when John's home on Sunday, that's all.
But with John gone, I did pull Landon into bed with me in the night for a few hours -- I felt like I was sneaking something forbidden - I've never done that (except when he's been sick and I've slept in the chair in his room with him, or on the couch). I couldn't sleep, so I got him into bed and laid there watching him sleep. Such a sweetie. Then when he started grunting and moving around I put him back into his bed. But it was very nice just to have him so close for a couple of hours.

Anyways, that's the news here. Not much unfortunately, we're just going through our days, playing, climbing, running, and giving / getting grey hairs! Until next time...TK

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