Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Lots of fun at the zoo...

Landon has been having so much fun the last day or so! Last night, Pam & Kevin and the girls were here (on way through to Banff), so Landon, Taya and Frankie played played played. Then this morning Sheri stopped by with her girls, Ava and Prue. We had some lunch and headed off to the zoo. Prue and Landon are 2.5 months apart, so it was fun to watch those two play together. They are both climbing monkeys :-)

Tonight a friend of John's is stopping for dinner as well, with her daughter. We've had a lot of company within 24 hours -- when it rains it pours! After that I think our week slows down, so hopefully I'll get a chance to go over to Ricki's so that Landon and Keaton can play in the backyard.

And I play volleyball tonight too ... I'm a bit hungover today, so I'm not really looking forward to it. But I'm sure I'll survive. Heh heh...

Anyways, just a quick post for today...will post again soon and will see if I can get some pics uploaded too. Until next time...TK

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