Friday, August 10, 2007


Landon has been enjoying his new drums (did I say thank you, Grandma and Aunty Vonnie ... let me thank you again!!). He and dad play with them often, although the drumsticks are still hidden (Landon likes to drum on everything in the house!!).

And isn't that a troublemaker smile! aiaiai He was having fun climbing all over the patio furniture last week. He has fun climbing all over everything, man oh man.

We went swimming this morning - first time in quite awhile at the pool. Landon loved it. He's now big enough to walk and splash and stuff. So we 'swam' for awhile, playing and singing, then I let him play in the shallow water, climbing in and out (of course!). He did a full head-under-the-water event when he got all excited and fell face first. Didn't bug him though, he just sputtered, laughed, and kept on going. Then a few minutes in the hot tub and we came home. He was pretty hungry and very tired when we got home, that's for sure. But I am very much looking forward to lots of swimming at Eston next week!! YAY -- only 5 days 'til we leave!

Grandma - you're welcome ;-)


1 comment:

niknac said...

That pic of him on the patio furniture is so cute.
I can't believe how much you guys travel it is insane. How do you manage to keep any sort of schedule.
Good for you.
Eastynn is 8 months old and doesn't even have one. I have good intentions but never follow through. *shrug* Oh well. I plan on it soon.