Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home again...

Well, we are home again after spending 5 days at Eston Park. It was quite nice - peaceful, relaxing. We went swimming several times, which Landon loved. He kicked, splashed, dunked his face in the water, blew bubbles (sort of). The pool was great, with a paddling pool, then a very shallow end of the big pool. So Landon splashed and ran in the paddling pool, and then in the big pool he'd run into the deeper water until it was up to his neck, then I'd catch him and we'd do it all again. He really really had fun.

We also did lots of walking around, it was very quiet out there so Landon was pretty free to run around. Makes it harder now that we're back home, he doesn't want to walk where we are at all, but it was great while there.

Carla and Dave, Jackson and Ryder were up for a few days too (to Eston). So Landon LOVED playing with Jackson and Ryder ... Ryder and Landon will be trouble-makers together for many many years I'm thinking :-/ They brought their quad up too, so Landon got to go for rides and he thought that was pretty cool.

We did some golfing as well on their very nice 9-hole course. And the kids did some mini-golfing too.
John was down for the weekend, it was a lot of driving for only one full day, but he enjoyed it too. And Yvonne was there for most nights (had to work during the day), and even Greg and Kyle came out on Friday for a visit too.
So it was a great weekend in Eston. Has John and I dreaming of buying a cabin again .... *sigh* We're just debating if the 4.5 hour drive is worth investing in a cabin or not .... hmmmm

So now we're glad to be home again. Funny how that works - you look forward to going away for a few days, then you're glad to be home again. Huh. Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary are planning to come next week Monday. And I'm debating about heading to the farm for the long weekend --- maybe I'll just stay home, that's a lot of driving. We'll see ... it all depends on how long it takes me to recover from this last trip. Even though Landon travels incredibly well.

On to other news...
Landon's learning to feed himself now, he did pretty well with apple sauce tonight. At least there wasn't any applesauce all over the house.... So that's good stuff I'm thinking, I'll be glad when he gets better at that.

That's the news from here for today. I'll get some pics up soon...until next time! TK

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