Saturday, August 04, 2007

Landon - the MAN

Ha, this little stinker drives me nuts every day (yup mom, I knew you'd like to hear that!). But he's pretty darned cute too, so we'll survive.
Last night he cracked me up. I was wiping the kitchen table off, and got distracted with something. I walked away, leaving the cloth on the table. Up the chair scrambles Landon, to grab the cloth and finish wiping for me. All the while with a huge grin on his face. So if this is the 'helper' phase, I'm welcoming it -- I think.

Tonight Landon grabbed the vacuum cleaner and ran all over the house with it. He was making 'vroooom' sounds, like it's a car or something. This is a BIG change from the Landon that was sooo very scared of the vacuum as recently as last week!

And I've been wondering when he'll start using a fork or spoon to feed himself. He's great with his hands, but when it comes to cereal or mushy stuff, we still feed him because he has shown very little interest in feeding himself using utensils. Until last night. Again, I got distracted after getting his cereal ready and putting it on the table. And again Landon scrambled up on the chair, and while standing on the chair grabbed the spoon and got some cereal into his mouth!! When I got back he was a bit shy or something I guess (or lazy, wanting mom to feed him...). But I sat him on my lap, and keeping his hand on the spoon I just guided it for him from the bowl to his mouth. And if I was too slow in getting the spoon to his mouth, he did it for himself. So maybe, just maybe, eating will get a whole bunch messier very soon!!

I had a pretty busy last 24 hours. I finally found a colour and painted our great room. I started prepping last night, filling holes, washing, taping, etc. I finished that at 1:30 am, got up this morning, and painted 2 coats by 3 pm. My arms and legs are tiiiired!! But we got the tape off, the drop cloths put away, and all the furniture back tonight and the room looks GREAT! I love the colour (I love any colour down there....that white on white was a bit too stark for my tastes!). We are also getting some new blinds for the living room, which should be here in a couple of weeks. Tomorrow we'll hang pictures (I wanted one night with hole-free walls!! lol), and then I'll start contemplating when I'll move on to the entryway, hallways, laundryroom, bathrooms, staircase, bonus room, and bedrooms. Aiaiaiai ... I might tackle the entryway and downstairs hallway next week, but I know I'll be avoiding bathrooms for as long as possible! lol Bedrooms - well, maybe later in the fall. Although they are a bit easier to paint it seems, less windows and fireplaces and cupboards to go around :-)

So that's the news from here. Just glad to be home on this August long weekend :-) Hope all is well with everyone! Until next time...TK

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