Sunday, August 26, 2007

And it's Sunday...

A nice quiet, rainy Sunday it has been. Landon's only excitement was grocery shopping today - poor kid! lol Ah well, he's pretty good at running off steam by running around and around and around the kitchen. Cracks us up - he just runs and runs, huffing and puffing. He pretends we're after him even when we're not. We can be just sitting at the table, he runs one way, stops and squeals when he gets close to us, then turns around and runs the other way, repeating the entire process. Goofus!

What else have we been up to? Well, just watching Landon. He's starting to get more interested in 'colouring'. Not really colouring, but using a pen to make lines on paper. And to just chew on as well. Tonight he played at the table 'colouring' with a pen and flipping through a pad of paper for about 20 minutes. That might not seem like a long time, but it most definitely is in Landon's world! We also sat and coloured with crayons earlier in the day, but when it comes to crayons, Landon is more interested in seeing if he can hold all 8 of them at once or not, and then setting them down and picking them up, as opposed to actually colouring (which is what I did :-D).

We're preparing for Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary's visit tomorrow YAY! They will arrive sometime during the daytime. Landon will be so happy to have a larger audience for his antics, I'm sure! lol

So that's the news - it's not much, but c'est la vie. Until next time...TK

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