Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What we're up to now...

Landon is a stinker. There's no two ways about it. But he's fun too. He still loves birds (pronounced buhhhrs), and points to them all the day long. He's starting to notice the airplanes too, so I'm sure that will provide us with lots of entertainment in the months to come.
He is starting to work on two syllable words now, he intonates more than pronounces I guess, imitating our sounds, pitch, etc more than the phonics of it all. But he says something like 'dahkder' for tractor, still 'guck' for truck and duck, although now he'll tell you ducks say 'kack kack'. Sheep say 'baa baa' too, don't you know. And he distinguishes between 'gucks' and 'gars' too, which is fun because he's always yelling about something he sees through the windshield.

The last few nights he has really cracked us up. He must be over his growth spurt as he isn't eating as much, and when we put him to bed he's not quite ready to sleep yet. So he lays in bed for an hour or so, most of the time playing quietly. But every now and again a rousing chorus of either 'baa baa black sheep' or the 'a-b-c song' comes from his room. Now imagine, he only says 'baa baa baa baa', but to the tune of baa baa black sheep / a-b-c song. He goes to about l-m-n-o-p ... then stops for a minute or two, and starts over again. Loudly. It's pretty funny - although I'd much rather he was going to sleep :-/

Another fun trick of Landon's is to jump around the house ... jump jump jump. Both feet off the floor, he jumps around. Pretty cute. Add this to jumping from whatever he can stand on onto the couches, sometimes from the couches to the floor, and often enough right onto his head, and I'm getting plenty of grey hair!!

So tomorrow Landon and I are off to Eston Park for 5 days or so. Very much looking forward to it. We'll have a couple of cooler days, to be followed by a HOT weekend (if the forecast is at all accurate), so I'm glad about that!! Lots of swimming for us :-) Yippee!! John will join us for the weekend, Aunty Yvonne will be there for several nights (except the weekend, when she's off to S'toon for a wedding), and I think even Carla, Dave and the boys will make an appearance for a day or two as well. Should be tons of fun!! Which reminds me, I'd better get packing...

until next week -- I'll post again when we get home. Have a great weekend! TK

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