Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yup, we're getting scared...

This little stinker! Man! Jumper continues to prove to have been the most accurate in-the-womb nickname. Tonight, Landon would stand on the couch, start jumping and then jump off onto the floor. yup, right off of the couch. Can hardly believe it.
This of course ties into the whole 'gotta climb on everything' deal that we've got right now. He loves to climb onto the kitchen chairs to get up on the table. And when we pull him down he pulls out a different chair to climb up on, like that's going to make the difference!!
He climbs all over the couches. Loves to climb up over the arms and then back down again. Loves to put things (mostly toys) on the half-wall between the living room and entranceway (I'm waiting for him to climb up there). He's climbed on the table beside the piano, sat there looking all smug.
He loves to get up to the computer room so he can climb onto the computer chair and bang on the keyboard (today I had a bunch of "Are you sure you want to ..." messages on the computer when I got up here!!). The other day he climbed onto the keyboard of the computer, causing the entire thing to fall off the desk!
He still loves to get up to look out the window - but we've moved the table so he can't climb onto the windowsill anymore.
And we had to put drawer locks on today, as he has discovered that he can open the kitchen drawers. We put a door lock on the pantry too, as he loves to get in there and pull the recycling out, and any box of crackers/cereal/cookies that he can reach!

So we're getting scared. Life with Landon is certainly changing. He's adorable and all, but this mischievnous!!!!! aiaiaiaiai

Oh well, he still makes us laugh. Last night he was playing with my cell phone, so I called it. His eyes lit up and he started jumping/dancing when it was ringing. Soooo funny, and too cute.

I will try to get some pics up of our trip to the zoo the other day. Man was that place packed!! I guess it's summer and it was the first cool day of the month so far. Landon finally enjoys the animals ... he liked the ostriches, the zebras, the giraffes. But it was the elephants that caused him to just sit and stare - with a half-smile on his face. They were the best there that day for him. Of course, the most fun he had was running around the grass after we had our picnic lunch. He made friends with all sorts of people!! lol It was the young pre-teens "in love" that made me giggle the most - they were all giggly-goo-goo and Landon just walked right up and patted the young guy on the head, then stood there and stared for about 3 minutes!! LOL They were squirming after that inspection!

That's the news ... here's looking forward to some cooler temps mid-week. TK

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