Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy to be home...

Landon certainly has been happy to be home these past few days. Monday morning he jumped for about 2 1/2 hours non-stop, he was so happy.
Landon has been trying some new foods the last week too. Firstly he tried beets at Grandma's house, which he absolutely loved. He enjoyed the fresh peas too. then this week we BBQ'd some corn on the cob, which Landon gobbled up off of the cob like a pro. All those new teeth are being put to good use!!
Grandma of course spoils him and bought him a new toy. He's been having fun banging the hammer on every surface save the 'nails' on the new toy (did I thank you properly Grandma?). When we got home from that shopping trip, Landon promptly made the biggest mess he could in the laundry room :-/ Little stinker - but at least he was quiet for a few minutes ;-)
And he's been so happy to get his ride-on cars back into his life....he pulls them both around non-stop (one just wouldn't be good enough) and gets frustrated because he can't quite lift them onto the couch. Usually he does ride them the right way around, but not always :-)

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