Monday, July 23, 2007

Did I mention climbing?

Yup - Landon has learned to climb, and not only does he love it, he's pretty good at it too :-/ Aiaiaiai So he climbs everywhere, most notably onto the windowsill in the bonus room. The first time he was banging on the screen of the open window, and gave me a bloody heart attack. Now we moved the 'steps' (the end table) over to the other side of the window, so he climbs up to see what he can see. I hate it, but he insists he must see what's going on outside, from this high vantage point.
He also climbs up on the spare bed now, using the bedside tables as steps. And he climbs chairs and couches like nobody's business. He loves it. The big game last night was climbing onto the couch, then clambering off over the end (over the arms). There were several loud thuds, followed by giggles, and he'd be at it again. *shaking head* Crazy kid.
One thing I did get pure enjoyment out of was watching Landon run through the sprinkler yesterday. He's finally figured out just how fun that really is. He runs, runs, runs through the sprinkler. Yesterday we stripped him down so we could watch his bare little bum running through the sprinkler ... too cute! With this hot weather, that's about the only way we can stand to be outside! yikes!
So that's the news today ... just climbing everywhere! and trying to keep cool. Until next time...TK

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