Monday, December 10, 2007

We're home again...

We are home again. After a week of colds and flus for both Landon and I :-( How awful, to be traveling to visit family and friends only to be sick. Landon started with a full-blown cold on Monday, for our visit with Great Grandpa. Then on Wed at the farm he puked, so we took him to the doctor as this was the same progression as in the summer with his throat infection. At that point his throat was slightly infected, so we got antibiotics. But poor little munchkin puked all day Thursday still. Friday and Sat he was better, but he was sick again Sat night, overnight and Sunday morning again. Add to that the fact that I was puking Fri night and all day Sat as well. We just weren't a lot of fun for anyone to be around, that's for sure!! But we both managed to make it through the road trip yesterday (we didn't even stop the entire way back), and hopefully now we're on the road to full recovery. aiaiaiai

but it was a fun visit, when we could visit.

Landon and Ryder had a ton of fun together. They jumped on beds together and ran around the house and broke-in Carla and Dave's new furniture. They were quite the crew. And it's nice now that Landon can play a bit more and Carla and I can actually get some visiting in! He didn't sleep particularly well at Carla's, I don't know what it is, but he doesn't seem to sleep as soundly there :-/ Ah well

Then we were at the farm for a few days. There of course our days were consumed with washing floors, clothing, bedding and anything else that got puked on. Poor kid. He did learn how to puke into a pail though -- well, he did it once anyways :-/

one neat new trick Landon did learn was how to climb out of his playpen. Lickity-split he can crawl right on out!! We did manage to get him to sleep in there most of the time (the last night when he got sick in his bed he ended up sleeping with me for the last half of the night ... he only fell out of bed - onto the pillow - once). But it did take a few trips to put him back into bed !!
So we came home and I thought he'd be okay in his crib. Well, he was, for about 2 minutes. I turned around and there's Landon!! LOL But it only took 2 trips last night and he went to sleep. So I guess we'll have to get his big-boy bed up ... I have to buy some sheets for him though first. Not sure it matters though - he still doesn't like to sleep under blankets. Even when he slept with me, the covers were thrown off of him!!
He did nap with me in my bed at Grandma's, and one day he napped in there by himself (Grandpa and I were at a funeral). When he wore just his diaper (that was easier than cleaning more and more clothes as he got sick on them) he would sleep under the blankets, but if he's dressed, no blankets needed!! He's better at napping with me though - he'd maybe try to get up once or twice, but I'd just say lay down and go to sleep, and he would. He also wasn't nearly as squirmy as usual - which may be because he wasn't feeling well? Don't know, but I must admit it was nice to have him in bed with me....

So that's the quick news from the trip back. I will try to get some pics up soon. But for now I must get Landon fed some lunch, and then I'm off to my first ultrasound. More news on that soon....until next time...TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

Are you buying him a twin, double, or toddler bed?
Toddler bed doesn't require any new bedding. You should get him a thomas bed he'd love that.