Friday, April 25, 2008

Little pisser!

That Landon - aiaiaiai. Last night, not once but TWICE, he took off his diaper and then peed in his bed! *shaking head* Now ... shame on me for not realizing the first time that he still had more pee in him. And maybe I shouldn't be quite so stern on the 'stay in bed' command ... I tried to explain to him that if he wants to pee on his potty he can get out of bed to do that, although I'd much rather he just went to sleep and peed in his diaper - that's what it's there for after all!! LOL Good thing we had extra clean sheets, and I could wash them all up right away today in preparation for tonight's waterworks (if there are any).

We went to the Telus Science Centre yesterday - met a friend from University there with her two kids. It was GREAT to see her and to watch the boys playing (it's a Bob the Builder display right now). It was WAY packed in there, but so much fun. We didn't go to the Children's Museum at all, and didn't even see all there was to see of the Science Centre, so I'm hoping to go back again before Bob the Builder is gone. It was lots of fun though. Landon loved the bulldozer (I guess that's the next toy we'll have to buy for him!), and then we discovered a farming section too with a tractor and everything right when we were leaving, so I'll have to take him back to explore that!

Landon did a bit better at swimming lessons on Wed. He didn't like it at the start, but by the end he was having more fun. So we'll see how it goes on this upcoming (last) week of lessons ... he'll probably start liking it now! It made me realize how I need to get him into some group things so that he can learn to appreciate doing activities as a group (vs always individually). Of course his favourite was playing in the toddler pool after his lesson - we were there for another hour. But at least we're there and don't get turned away for the pool being full (they were turning people away again Wed, just like on Mon when we went and were turned away).

On the sleeping front, things seem to be turning around. Landon is going to sleep easier (even with the peeing the bed thing!), and today he was awake and up all by himself at 9:30 (I don't remember the last time THAT happened). So maybe, just maybe, we're turning a corner? Maybe. We'll see. He's been fighting naps harder recently, although this afternoon he went down easier. If it's not one thing it's another I guess. At least right now he's eating his meals really well too - instead of fighting us at suppertime like he did for a few weeks!!

And YAY - they're putting up our fence posts today (yup - digging through the snow!!)!! So we should have a fence complete by next week! Hallellujia!! I can hardly wait :-) That and we're getting lumber / drywall / etc delivered today so John has his work cut out for him in the basement. We'll be working in the basement and in the backyard for the whole month of May (well, in the backyard assuming it stops snowing!! LOL)! I'm looking forward to it, sort of. Hopefully my back holds out - that's the only part of me that gets sore when I do too much. But I'm sure Landon and I will be spending plenty of time outside in upcoming weeks.

That's the news today. Oh yeah, other good news is that John doesn't have to go on his business trip next week (PHEW!) so Landon doesn't have to be all put-out that John's not home. I am VERY pleased about that. Until next time...

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