Sunday, April 27, 2008

Some pictures ... for Grandma!!

Grandma has been requesting pics, and I can't really blame her. I've taken basically none this entire month. So I will try to take a few more in upcoming weeks, before the focus shifts to baby #2 :-/ Most of the time I find that I just don't want to miss out on whatever Landon's doing to try and find the camera, so I just take in and enjoy the moment(s) without capturing it to share with others. So I will try to keep the camera a bit closer at hand.
Landon is excited to help daddy work in the basement. He has to explore ALL the tools, and get in the way as much as possible. John did hammer in the first nail(s) tonight, so work is officially underway *YAY*. Months (and months, and months) of planning are coming together, and hopefully we'll have somewhere for guests to sleep once baby #2 takes over the spare room upstairs :-D
The weather has finally smartened up, and Landon is once again enjoying the outdoors. Hours at a time! He loves his sandbox, and is waiting for the dirt to dry out so he can play in that again. Aside from that, swinging and sliding and climbing at the park are favourites too. Our fenceposts have been put in in the backyard, so I'm looking forward to the fence going up (hopefully this week) and we'll have a nice play area for Landon (not to mention I can get some of the backyard planning done prior to baby coming along).
So hopefully this week stays nice and we can spend more and more time outside. It definitely helps the days pass nicer, Landon is so much calmer in the evenings when he's been able to play hard outside for awhile!

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