Wednesday, April 09, 2008

mid-week update...

Holy moly is Landon glad that John's home!! LOL He is a 100% different kid since John got home Sunday night. He's contented, he's happy to play at the park (versus just walking walking walking to nowhere and flipping out when I insisted we come back home), he's eating better. A definite change. Makes me dread the week that John's gone at the end of the month. Ah well, after that there aren't any trips planned for quite awhile. Maybe I'll have to hit the road again at the end of the month in order to keep my sanity!!

Landon and I went to the dr yesterday. Landon has been sleeping better, Sat night was the only really difficult night, although he still cries at times during the night he doesn't wake up at all (or not enough to need me). The doctor confirmed that yes, Landon has post-nasal drip that is causing him to gag on his snot at night. We are doing a 2-week stint on Singulair to see if he has allergies. It's hard to say though as Landon slept well last night with only Singulair (no other meds like the previous 2 nights), but the Singulair won't kick in for a week or so ... so why would he sleep better last night essentially sans medication? I don't really think it's allergies, I think he just has a low-grade infection in his sinuses that won't let go ... I know altogether too well how that feels. But we'll do the Singulair and check that out. It's almost pointless, since if it does appear that he has allergies we won't do allergy tests for a year or more anyways. I guess it is just meant for peace of mind *shrug*

But yes, Landon has been sleeping better, which is a blessing. I usually get up to check on him once in the night - he wakes me with his whimpering / crying, I check on him & cover him up, he goes back to sleep easily (if, in fact, he was actually awake to begin with), and we sleep 'til morning. Now, of course, it's time to start getting up earlier (again!!). A never-ending story with us....*sigh* At least Landon has a 'regular' schedule right now, something we haven't had for MONTHS! It's just a late schedule ... up late at night, sleep late in the morning :-/ Ah well, we'll get it sorted out soon enough.

The dr appt went well for me. My diabetes results were fine (i.e. no gestational diabetes), baby's heartrate 138 bpm, I'm growing at a 'good' rate, all is well so far. Now I have appts every 2 weeks until early June when I'll start going every week. yay (not). But so far so good anyways.

Liz was here last night for a quick visit (she was out west for work). Landon had a ton of fun with "aunty", he didn't want to go to bed without her!! But he sure enjoyed the visit, as did Aunty and we did too.

That's the mid-week update ....

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