Sunday, April 06, 2008

not feeling so well...

I am wondering if Landon either still has an ear infection, or now has a sinus infection or something. Last night was a long night with very little sleep. He woke up at 1 am crying and coughing so hard he couldn't breathe and spit up in bed. Poor kid - he was very disconcerted with that whole event. So we were up for a couple of hours and he finally went back to sleep in my bed. But he woke every few minutes (20, 30, maybe 40 minutes) coughing and gagging again. I think he just has so much snot draining down the back of his throat that he's gagging on it - I think that because I had that happening to me a few weeks back. *sigh* Finally I plugged the humidifier in at 7 am, and we got a bit more sleep (well, longer periods between crying and gagging anyways). I have a dr appt on Tues aft, so I'm hoping decongestants will help us sleep til then and I'll get the dr to check him out for infections ... again.

On the bright side - John will be home soon! YAY He arrives just before 9, so Landon and I will meet him at the airport. I think Landon will be very excited to see him, he's been out of sorts the past few days, and has been asking for daddy. So I'm sure he'll be excited to see him. As will I ... hopefully Landon won't have to be glued to my side with John home again! It's like he's thinking 'you're the only parent left in this house, I'm not letting you out of my sight!'. Good thing he's so frickin' cute - esp with his new haircut!!

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