Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Not much news really here. Life is just plodding along. It's been good though. Landon is sleeping a lot better, even if he's going to sleep late. the weather's been beautiful so we've been heading to the park lots. Landon loves to swing, and climb, and slide. Then he loves to come home and play in either the dirt or his sandbox. I'm glad he's liking his sandbox more ... I can at least then come in and make lunch or whatever while he's playing. When he's out front in the dirt I can't see him from the house so end up sitting on the steps (but when it's nice out and I have a book to read, I don't really mind all that much!!).

our fence should be in maybe this week, or hopefully even next week -- assuming the weather doesn't turn too stupid! THAT will be SO nice - and Landon will have a nice big pile of dirt to play with then :-D

We are heading home on the weekend for my mom & dad's 40th anniversary. Supper on Sunday at the K in Swift Current (where else??). It'll be nice. It's a quick trip home though - leave Sat, come back Mon. I might head back the following week though, as John will be gone for a business trip and I don't like the thought of despondent Landon for a whole week again! We'll see ... mom and dad will be busy seeding, but I'm sure Landon and I can stumble around a bit without causing too much trouble.

Swimming lessons tomorrow - we'll see if Landon is any happier. He loves the pool, just not the lessons part. It'll be the last lessons he takes for at least a year ... when he's 3 he can take 'non-parented' lessons, where he wears a life jacket for lessons. That is when I'll think about next enrolling him. For the next month of so, we'll just go swimming ~once a week so he can have fun in the pool.

It's much nicer to take Landon to play these days ... he can do so much more on his own. He's such a little boy! He climbs up on the play structure and comes down the slide all by himself! He is part monkey though, I'm sure.

Anyways, just a quick post...will try to post again before we leave.

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