Tuesday, May 06, 2008

dr appt update

I had my dr appt this morning, and everything looks great. I'm retaining water, so my hands have been bothering me ... the doctor said I should lay down in the afternoons for a couple of hours - NO PROBLEM! heh heh Heartbeat was 142 bpm (slightly higher than the 138 that has been so consistent). Everything else is looking good :-D

Landon's getting to be very good and patient while at the dr office. I have to scold him less and less. He likes to hear the baby's heartbeat too. And he even helped the nurse to take my blood pressure this morning (which is still nice and low ... 115/65).

And I can't say it enough - I LOVE A FENCED BACKYARD!! Today we bought groceries, and when we got home, Landon wanted to go into the backyard. So I locked him in there (we have locks on the gates so that he can't get out) and was able to unload and put away groceries in peace :-D How wonderful! lol Ah, the little things that a person appreciates so much now.

It's a cloudy, dreary day ... some rain. Blech. Hopefully it doesn't last too long - but it's giving me time to be inside and work through some yard planning. Hoping to get to the nursery this week, and start 'working' on the yard on the weekend (which will be simply choosing spots for trees and starting to prep soil). I'm hoping to plant some trees before the end of the month -- then the yard work will be on hold until the fall I'm thinking ;-)

Well, I'm off to lay down - doctor's orders!

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