Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ultrasound Update...

All of the appointments are done for this week, and I was VERY happy to have a day to be at home. I haven't been sleeping well, between sore hips, peeing every 13 minutes or so, and heartburn from hell (something I didn't experience at all with Landon). Last night it was so bad I had to get up and sit right up, even just reclining a bit was out of the question. So I've taken to sleeping in the bonus room, propped up with lots of pillows and blankets on the futon on those bad nights. Usually by 2 or 3 am I'm able to get to sleep (!!) and I sleep late with Landon (surprise surprise). Landon and I have been napping VERY well in the afternoons as well ... 2 or 3 hours on some days! Thank goodness or I'd be completely wiped out. He's still going to sleep fairly well at night too as long as we get him outside to play and stuff.
Today was so nice, Landon and I went to the park for ~1.5 hours this morning. He loves to swing and swing and swing. We took his soccer ball too, and he was able to kick it around with another little guy there for awhile. Tonight we all went out back and kicked the ball and played with the neighbours and stuff. I LOVE this nice weather!!

The ultrasound was good, although I didn't get any pics to bring home this time. You just can't see so much now that the kid is scrunched in there! But all the parts seem to be there and the technician didn't seem concerned over anything, so hopefully it's all good news. I will find out on Tues at my next dr appt I guess. What scares me the most is that the baby is estimated to be 8 pounds already! I'd better not go overdue....!!!! I guess we'll just play the waiting game....

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