Friday, May 09, 2008

Rainy days bring out the cute outfits :-)

Landon absolutely LOVES his Thomas rain hat, which is a good thing on these rainy days! Yesterday he had on the rain coat too, and his yellow boots -- he was an adorable sight heading into and marching around Superstore! lol He got many comments on just how cute he was.
The sun is out today though - thank goodness, and the weekend shouldn't be snowy. Not that it matters much to Landon and I as we have yet another cold. We got it from John this time. He's managed to fight it off quickly (with Cold F/X ... gotta love that stuff!), so we'll see how long it hangs onto Landon and I. For Landon it's mostly just a runny nose, although he's been getting a slight fever all day -- he'll warm up, then cool down, then warm up, then cool down. So far I haven't had to drug him (except decongestant when he went to bed last night).
He was pretty cute last night. He woke up shortly after 1 and I could hear him coughing and snuffling and sort of crying. So I went in and laid in bed with him. He wasn't really awake, just kind of waking himself a bit when he'd cough and then back to sleep. But at one point he was snoring with one breath, and then on the next breath he opened his eyes and said "Hi!" -- like we just ran into each other on the street or something. It was pretty cute. I stayed in bed with him for awhile, but I don't think I really would've had to, and when I went back to bed he slept the rest of the night just fine. Let's hope tonight's the same way!
But we have to thank Aunty Vonnie for the popsicle recipe once again. I made them last night anticipating this cold to settle in fully, and Landon's been a popsicle-demolisher all day long :-D He loves the 'pink juice' as he calls it.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Kids Stuff garage sale to see what kind of fun stuff I can find. I'm going with our neighbours who are expecting twins in the fall - so it'll be even more fun helping them navigate through this scary world of becoming first-time parents! Until next time...

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