Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My little Arlan is ALREADY 8 months old! So hard to believe!!

Here are some pics I took tonight. I love the cocked eyebrow picture - too funny! Can't believe I caught that expression so well :-)
Landon and Arlan play together sometimes. Mostly it's Arlan trying to maneuvre over to Landon, and watching Landon's antics (I am SO in for it!!). But every now and again Landon will play back ... tonight he was "tickling" Arlan's tummy saying "snuggly baby!". The tickling can get pretty rough, so I do have to watch, but so far Arlan just absolutely loves it!! LOL

So I just kept snapping photos as Arlan skootled himself around the bedroom tonight. We will be putting gates up very shortly as he is SO close to crawling. you can see that knee is getting under him, and he can get up on all 4's for brief periods already. Soon (too soon!!) he will figure it all out, and then ... *sigh* makes me want to cry :-( My little baby is growing too quickly ... Of course, maybe all this growing will have him sleeping through the night sometime soon - and I guess I am looking forward to THAT development!!

Some pics of the cuties!!

A few pics of the boys, and even me with them!

On Feb 4, Landon and I made some cookies with my new heart-shaped cookie cutter. I enjoyed it, but I think Landon loved it even more!! He was SUCH a good helper, dipping the cookie cutter in flour for me, then helping me to press down to cut the cookies. Of course, it made for some great moments together, and I loved his 'look'!

And Arlan is getting better at eating ... not quite so fussy. I have recently discovered that he will eat peas when mixed with carrots, so I can finally get some 'greens' into him!! LOL Little stinker!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy Busy days!

We have had several busy days, and are quite happy to be at home for Family Day!!
Sherry came in from Winnipeg on Thursday morning and spent Thursday and Friday with us. We hung out at home for the most part ... although we did pick up Landon's Wall-E cake pan for his birthday cake. Landon LOVES Sherry ... he wanted Sherry to read him his stories at nap time and bed time and everything!!
Friday was a nice day - John and Sherry made a yummy steak supper and cleaned up too, the best birthday present ever!! We played some cards, yapped our faces off, and drank too much wine.

Saturday we were up and on the road to Lethbridge for a wedding. We stayed at Paulette's house - I hadn't seen Paulette in about 10 years, so it was great to have a chance to catch up. Landon and Arlan stayed with Paulette while John & I went to the wedding, and I think they were fairly well behaved. Landon had missed his nap so was pretty wired all night, thankfully Amy got him convinced to finally go to bed (he said he couldn't go to sleep until mommy & daddy got home - she told him mommy & daddy were like Santa Claus that night, and couldn't come home until he went to sleep!). Landon did break one candle ... but overall was good. Arlan was an angel of course - going to sleep well and everything. The only frustration came when we got home -- Arlan was up to eat, and spent the next hour gooing and playing in the playpen while I tried to go to sleep beside him. Then he was awake for the day at 6 am!! aiaiaiaiai

But we got up and came back home yesterday - it was nice to come home and get unpacked and settled again. I enjoyed a LOT more sleep last night, and we are just hanging out all day. I think Arlan will maybe be getting another tooth shortly as his cheeks are red and he has dry skin patches on his bum again. I've been putting Nutri-Rich Oil on them to see if that works (as opposed to prescription cream). We'll watch that mouth of his.

Arlan is on the verge of crawling too ... today for the first time he was up on all fours ... so it's gotta come soon!! Now when he's on the floor, he's all over the place exploring!! we will be needing to dig the gates out of the basement in the next few days for SURE!!

Anyways, that's the quick post for now ... I'll keep you posted on the crawling and toothing developments...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We're on the mend...

Landon is pretty much fully recovered from his cold, and Arlan is getting there slowly but surely. He's still plenty stuffy, but is able to sleep which is a blessing to the entire household!! LOL He hasn't been nursing well the past few days, I'm thinking because it's hard for him to breathe when nursing - esp late in the day. Couple that with all the excitement Landon creates just by being Landon (and distracting Arlan), and well, not so much nursing. But I keep trying - hopefully he'll get back some interest soon :-/

Marc was here last night for a nice visit - it's always nice to see him. That and he brought us yummy Montreal bagels ... can never go wrong with that!! LOL

And that's really about it. Sherry will be here tomorrow for a couple of days ... I'm hoping this cold that's trying to catch me doesn't take hold so that I can fully enjoy visiting with Sherry and then have fun at Kristi's wedding in Lethbridge on the weekend.

It's funny - we've had such a slow January, but now things are most definitely picking up!! Next weekend (20-22) I'm hosting 2 Nutrimetics workshops here, plus Carla, Dave and the boys might come up, plus Juli, Bernie and Lilja will be in town. The following weekend I have 2 workshops again ... then it's Landon's b'day, then off to Minot! Wow - we're busy for the next month!! I love it :-D

Until next time...

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Last night was better...

Poor Arlan sure didn't want to go to sleep last night. I think it took him almost 2 hours to finally get to sleep. He would cry so hard, but when I would pick him up he'd be fine :-/ So I ended up having to let him cry himself to sleep. That is SO hard to do, especially when he's not feeling well to begin with. But I'm afraid he'd never have gone to sleep if I hadn't left him alone!
And then once he got to sleep (~8:45 or so), he slept until 6 am. So he definitely needed that sleep!!

This morning he's better - still a bit stuffy, but not as bad as yesterday I don't think. The new cool mist humidifier was going in his room all night, and again now for his nap, so hopefully that's helping (might also have been why he had such trouble going to sleep?). He did just wake up and squawked for a few minutes, but when I went in to get him he was sound asleep again. So he's definitely catching up on sleep today - poor kid.

Landon's still Landon ... his nose is running even less, and he's full of energy, so he's definitely on the outward swing of this bug.

Hopefully John & I can avoid it - we both feel the beginnings of a cold, but we've been sauna-ing in hopes of killing it before it gets ahold of us :-/

Busy week coming up - Marc will be here for a night from Montreal, then Sherry's here for a few days, and then we're off to Lethbridge for a wedding! So hopefully whatever bugs we have will be completely gone for all the fun!!

Safe travel wishes to Grandma and Grandpa who are off to Vegas this week!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY :-)

Saturday, February 07, 2009

My poor boys :-(

Landon's had a bit of a runny nose all week ... he had a rough night a few back, waking several times. But he seems to be taking it in stride these days - still runny, but sleeping better and full of piss & vinegar again!
But poor Arlan. His first really runny/stuffy nose. He gets SO mad when he's trying to sleep and his nose is stuffed. He is hard to console because he just bellers, and of course he can't nurse for comfort because he can't breathe through his nose, and his nose is even more snotty because he's crying so hard. Poor little stinker! We had a rough night last night, a couple of hour-long stints in the middle of the night until he cleared out enough to fall asleep. I hope that was the worst night! I bought a second cool mist humidifier today (Landon has one is his room too) so hopefully that helps. I used the warm mist humidifier last night in Arlan's room, but his room was a bit too ... um ... tropical! heh So we'll see if that helps.

I spent the day running around doing all the errands I avoid doing when I've got the boys. I did take Landon with me shopping for a friends wedding gift -- remind me never to take a 2 / 3 year old shopping in the fine dinnerware section of any store!! aiaiai I thought we'd be buying a lot of Denby 'pieces', literally! But we escaped unscathed, thankfully.

Other than that - just trying to take it as easy as possible this weekend. We have company for a good part of next week and then off to Kristi's wedding in Lethbridge. So tomorrow I don't think I'll leave the house beyond a walk with Landon.

until next time...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

All better :-)

We had dr appt this morning for Arlan - his spot on his bum is all gone and he's cute as a button (the doc keeps threatening to keep him!! LOL).
And I had the doc check Landon's throat ... the tonsils are still a bit swollen but no sign of infection in his tonsils or ears. So he got over it all all by himself. When I praised him for fighting the bugs off by himself, he was very proud :-) And he was very good for the doctor, let him check his ears, and opened his mouth up wide. Made me happy - I really didn't want to have to fight with him.

So we're off to bake some cookies ... got a heart-shaped cookie cutter as a prize at Kristi's bridal shower, so Landon and I will try it out.

Until next time...

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Poor Landon - his tonsils are all swollen. Not that you can really tell by how he's acting. Yesterday he woke with a fever. We gave him Motrin & Tylenol during the day, but he still played like normal and whatever. Then last night his fever spiked up and I was getting worried. He had trouble going to sleep (which was likely as much due to the b'day party in the afternoon and the lack of nap), and woke once at ~12:30 crying with a sore throat. But I gave him more Motrin, and he slept the rest of the night and hasn't had a fever today.
But his poor tonsils are inflamed, which makes me feel for him because I know how bloody much mine hurt 'til I got them out (at 22!). They don't seem to be bugging him too much - he's still eating and drinking and playing. We went to the neighbours to watch Superbowl (although I was upstairs with the women and didn't watch any of the game! LOL), and he played with the kids all day / evening (he and John are still there in fact, I came home at 7 to put Arlan to bed).
So he's not too bothered. Healthlink said it's just a viral thing likely, not to worry unless he still has a fever in several days. *Shrug* I hope he sleeps well tonight. No nap again today as we went to the neighbours, so I hope John brings him home soon to go to bed!! LOL But it sure has been peaceful over here with Arlan in bed and just me in the house ... I kind of like it :-D

Other than that ... Arlan's been good. He went to bed late tonight (7:30), we'll see how that impacts him tomorrow morning. He was pretty happy over at Candace's, thankfully ... even when it did get late. All smiley and cute :-) I love that kid!! LOL

Well, will post again to update Landon's poor throat condition. Oh yeah, Arlan's bum is cleared up. Oh yeah - and I have mastitis again, but went to the doc right away Friday when I realized what it was, so I've been on antibiotics since Friday afternoon and feel pretty good. Thankfully. Hopefully it's my last bout with mastitis ... ugh.

Until next time...