Wednesday, February 04, 2009

All better :-)

We had dr appt this morning for Arlan - his spot on his bum is all gone and he's cute as a button (the doc keeps threatening to keep him!! LOL).
And I had the doc check Landon's throat ... the tonsils are still a bit swollen but no sign of infection in his tonsils or ears. So he got over it all all by himself. When I praised him for fighting the bugs off by himself, he was very proud :-) And he was very good for the doctor, let him check his ears, and opened his mouth up wide. Made me happy - I really didn't want to have to fight with him.

So we're off to bake some cookies ... got a heart-shaped cookie cutter as a prize at Kristi's bridal shower, so Landon and I will try it out.

Until next time...

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