Sunday, February 01, 2009


Poor Landon - his tonsils are all swollen. Not that you can really tell by how he's acting. Yesterday he woke with a fever. We gave him Motrin & Tylenol during the day, but he still played like normal and whatever. Then last night his fever spiked up and I was getting worried. He had trouble going to sleep (which was likely as much due to the b'day party in the afternoon and the lack of nap), and woke once at ~12:30 crying with a sore throat. But I gave him more Motrin, and he slept the rest of the night and hasn't had a fever today.
But his poor tonsils are inflamed, which makes me feel for him because I know how bloody much mine hurt 'til I got them out (at 22!). They don't seem to be bugging him too much - he's still eating and drinking and playing. We went to the neighbours to watch Superbowl (although I was upstairs with the women and didn't watch any of the game! LOL), and he played with the kids all day / evening (he and John are still there in fact, I came home at 7 to put Arlan to bed).
So he's not too bothered. Healthlink said it's just a viral thing likely, not to worry unless he still has a fever in several days. *Shrug* I hope he sleeps well tonight. No nap again today as we went to the neighbours, so I hope John brings him home soon to go to bed!! LOL But it sure has been peaceful over here with Arlan in bed and just me in the house ... I kind of like it :-D

Other than that ... Arlan's been good. He went to bed late tonight (7:30), we'll see how that impacts him tomorrow morning. He was pretty happy over at Candace's, thankfully ... even when it did get late. All smiley and cute :-) I love that kid!! LOL

Well, will post again to update Landon's poor throat condition. Oh yeah, Arlan's bum is cleared up. Oh yeah - and I have mastitis again, but went to the doc right away Friday when I realized what it was, so I've been on antibiotics since Friday afternoon and feel pretty good. Thankfully. Hopefully it's my last bout with mastitis ... ugh.

Until next time...

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